The Last Starfighter YIFY
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Roger Ebert gave the film two-and-a-half out of four stars. While the actors were good, particularly Preston and O'Herlihy, Ebert wrote The Last Starfighter was \"not a terrifically original movie\" but it was nonetheless \"well-made\".[10] Colin Greenland reviewed The Last Starfighter for Imagine magazine, and stated that \"apart from a mildly amusing little sub-plot with the android replica left on Earth to conceal his absence, Alex's adventure is strictly the movie of the video game: simple as can be, and pitched at a pre-teen audience who can believe Alex and Grig blasting a hundred alien ships and escaping without a scratch.\"[11] Halliwell's Film Guide described the film as \"a surprisingly pleasant variation on the Star Wars boom, with sharp and witty performances from two reliable character actors and some elegant gadgetry to offset the teenage mooning\".[12]
I just love movies like this--ones where what is important is the acting and characterizations--not special effects. Now, being a sci-fi movie, there are special effects, but they take a purely secondary role at best. No, at heart this is a drama where two \"men\" who are enemies become stranded on an unforgiving planet and somehow form a friendship in order to survive. Dennis Quaid and Lou Gossett do a fantastic job in the film and you really find yourself hooked by their friendship. But, perhaps the best aspect of the film might be the writing. While a simple story, the characters seem real and believable (at least as much is possible when one is an alien and they live in the future). Plus, the film's message is profound and lasting. 59ce067264